The mother of all Homework

In one of my previous post, I mentioned that I had an oh-so-difficult homework to finish. I finally finished it. Took me 4 weeks (6 if i count the 2 weeks that I didn’t do anything at all) to finish it.

Bear with me while I recall the process of doing this homework. Using a high res pix of hoca’s original piece, I measured the size of each section, and the size of qalams using Ai. Then I drew each sections on last year’s calendar. Used those as templates to confirm the qalam size and practice the strokes. I think I practiced for 2 weeks.

Then I drew the actual template and the scroll turned out to be almost 2 m long with a width of 50 cm. I was terribly intimidated by the sheer size that it took me a few more days before i could actually write on the scroll. I had to redo the first scroll thrice before I could move on to the rest.

I didn’t do the whole scroll before moving on to the next one. I actually did in sections. I should post a photo of the finished homework first so you’ll know what I’m talking about.

So I did them from the top till the big flower. Then I put them aside for a few days coz I had to do extra practice for the lower sections. I couldn’t seem to get the diamond portions right. A friend pointed out that it could be the qalam size. So I took a new qalam and carved it to 3 mm tip. I sanded it so that the tip is rounded. I remembered hoca and the senior mentioned something about using rounded chopsticks without wrapping in cloth. However it didn’t quite work. The ink couldn’t be carried far. So I wrapped the rounded tip qalam in cloth and it worked! I finally managed to get the diamonds to look like it should.

The various qalams I used for this homework. Even with the wrapped cloth, you should be able to see that the 3mm is rounded tip.

After that it only took me 3-4 days to complete the homework. Now the scrolls are hanging in my bedroom wall coz I had to tack them up to take a pix. Not enough floor space to lay everything on the floor. So glad and relief that this homework is done. Now I just have to wait for Saturday and hope hoca gives me a pass. I might faint if I have to repeat it.

Here’s the marked copy of this homework.

Alhamdulillah! I received a “mumtaz” i.e. excellent for it.

The original pieces are now hanging on my bedroom wall. Only because I hung it up to take a pix to send to hoca and am too lazy to take it down. Mom’s friend saw it and said it made a good wallpaper. She also asked if I really wrote each one of them and not print them out coz they look so uniform. Ouch! I actually had mixed feelings when I heard it but I suppose I should take it as a complement.

Paperplane Pilot

Did you realize that 1 week of 2022 has come and gone? How was yours? I hope yours went as well or better than mine. I had a lovely 1st week with lots of highs. The best part has to be meeting up with me buddy N. We went to a pottery workshop and made us a bowl each. Alas we’ve to wait a few months before we can collect the bowl.

Anyways, here’s my first artwork for this year:

Oh wait! If I count the calligraphy piece I did, then this is the second artwork for this year. Whatevs.
Let’s have a wheeee~kend!

2021 round up

Hey everyone! Who’s excited for the new year? I’m not sure if I am but I suppose I’m looking forward to it. With easing off of covid restrictions, hopefully I’ll get to meet up with friends a bit more and in bigger groups (not that I have huge groups of common friends). Also hopefully this year I’ll get more job offers (both as a facilitator and doing commissions) without jeopardising my practice time for calligraphy.

Q1 of 2021 was filled with lots of jobs and classes. I still managed to draw on a regular basis. These space series are my fav:

I can’t remember what prompted me to create them but I did enjoyed drawing them. I think I might have been trying to fill the void in my science-y side. I do miss teaching science and conducting simple experiments with kids.

Q2 was filled with setbacks due to spikes in covid cases. But there were other blessings. Since I stayed home more, I managed another tick off my To-do list is a sort of comic. Managed to come up with a few in Ramadan this year, alhamdulillah. You can check them out at my Insta (make sure you click that follow button!). Here’s a screenshot of my Insta:

And I did a family portrait for Eid. This is the 3rd family portrait I’ve done since the first in 2007. It took me about a week to finish this:

2021 Md Yusup & Siti Ah’esah family portrait

Here’s another theme I thoroughly enjoyed drawing sometime in Jun – Aug (which would be in most of Q3):

The 2021 Travel Series started with Japan and moved on to London, Korea, the 3 holy sites for Muslims, carried on to Turkey, Spain and ended off in Brunei. Other than the snowglobes and faux papercut illustrations, I drew Little Tudung going around each country. Here are some of my fav scenes:

I also took an online course conducted by Phoebe of Bobblejot. Sooo many tips to make my illustrations even cuter. Here are some of the assignments that I’ve to submit:

Through this course, I’ve also learnt to use Medibang Paint. Which I think is a pretty cool program. Sort of better than Ps in some ways. Anyone here feels the same? Coz of that, I’m using Medibang Paint for my personal illustrations and Ps more for commissions (which for now is far and few in between. Hopefully there’ll be more in 2022).

Q4 of this year, I joined a discord server called Nur.City. Lots of talented young artists there. They are so inspiring! I’m amazed at their ability to churn out art quickly. Nicely drawn too! Plus some of them have very distinct art style. They have their own OCs as well. I suck at creating OCs. The only OC that I have drawn consistently is Little Tudung, Froggy (her frog friend/prince) and a boy with no name. Anyway, here’s a drawing of some Nurizens that I finished yesterday:

Oh yes! I almost forgot! One of my artwork was exhibited at a book launch:

It’s a fan art of Tim the hawksbill turtle. The book is titled Pengembaraan Tim (or Tim’s Adventure). You can buy it from the publisher Ungu Pen’s website.

Other than drawing, I’ve also taken up Arabic Calligraphy in the Chinese Style this year. It has been an interesting journey thus far. But the homework are getting harder. We’re having a 4 weeks break atm. 2 weeks have passed but I’ve still not started on my oh-so-difficult homework. I can’t seem to stop procrastinating. Here are some of the homework that I’ve submitted and marked by hoca:

Last but not least, I managed to conduct 6 sessions of online drawing workshops. Thank you to all those who signed up and attended the workshops. I’ll have one final session tonight and I do hope it goes as smoothly as the rest and that the participants will enjoy it. Here are the illustrations I did to promote the workshops:

Kawaii Drawing: Human & Animals and Manga style Drawing workshops. I hope to do more of such workshops in 2022. Based on the comments I’ve received thus far, seems like the participants enjoyed the workshops.

That’s my 2021. Pretty okay despite the ups and downs. But every year is filled with ups and downs so that’s pretty normal. I do hope 2022 will be better. More jobs, more comms, more meet ups with family & friends, more time for things that enrich my soul.

Happy New Year, everyone!

Commission for KawaiiManga style illustrations

It’s a hard time for me. It’s probably a hard time for all. But if you like my art, do consider commissioning me to draw for you. Due to the step back to phase 2 (Heightened Alert) here in SG, most of my teaching gigs in school has been cancelled (since I’m not a regular teacher but an external facilitator). Fanart or OCs, I’ll be happy to draw them. However, I don’t do NSFW, mecha and full furries.

You can DM me either via Instagram or Ko-fi. You might see a slight price difference on Ko-fi, that’s because the pricing there is in USD. The ones I stated above (and on IG) is in SGD.

Family Portrait 2021

Last year Eid was celebrated in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic and Singapore was having a Circuit Breaker a.k.a. lockdown. Nobody was allowed to go out of their homes except maybe to get groceries. Even then, the seniors were encouraged to stay home since they were more prone to the virus. You can check out my art work done during the long CB period here, here AND here. So we had a Zoom Eid celebration.

This year, we thought that we could gather for Eid since we were in phase 3 where 8 people can visit the house at any 1 time. But NOOOooo… community cases started going up and the number went down to 5 people 1 week before Eid. So my brothers and their families cannot come at the same time.

Since it’s been 2 years of no family portrait, I decided to take things into my own hands and DRAW our family.

The whole family

I really love how it turned out. Although I think I made myself look so much younger than I actually am. Heh…

If you’re looking at having your family portrait drawn, do DM me on Instagram (@bisukiut) I could really use some commission work right now to help me pay my bills since classes got cancelled since we’re back to Phase 2 (Heightened Alert). =( Or you could also buy me a cocoa on Ko-fi for only $3. You’ll get access to exclusive contents as well as special mobile wallpapers to download.

Just for fun, here are two other family portraits that I did:

Hmmm… is it just a coincidence or did I just do a portrait every 7 years? 2007, 2014 and now 2021! Leave a comment and let me know if my drawing has improved or is it still the same or has it gotten worse (GASP!).

What I’ve achieved in the 1st Quarter of 2021

It’s the last day of March. Who else feels like the 1st Quarter went by in a flash? I know I feel that way. Even so, I think I’ve managed to achieve some milestones.

If you’re following me on Instagram you would know that I finally finally managed to come up with my very first comic strip… well… maybe it’s not exactly a comic strip. I’ll just show you and you be the jury, k?

Unrelated to drawing, I’ve managed to read 24 books. Maybe at the expanse of some calligraphy practice time. Anyway, there were a few titles that I just couldn’t put down. In case you’re interested, here are the titles I enjoyed immensely:

  • A sky full of stars by Dani Atkins (This one seem to hit a little close to home. I cried throughout… in grief, in sadness, in anguish, in joy. Get ready lots of tissue! You have been warned!)
  • The marked girl (Book1) & The broken world (Book2) by Lindsey Klingele (If you like knights, magic and travelling between worlds, then this series is for you.)
  • The boy at the back of the class by Onjali Q. Rauf (A story about refugee, friendship and accepting differences.)

If you want to know the whole list of 24 books I’ve read, leave a comment and I’ll let you know.

Another achievement is finishing a whole list of illustration prompts by Animal Alphabet. You can see the illo in my previous post. They’re having a new round with Rainforest theme but I’m already behind on B 😅.

I also managed to complete the following Arabic calligraphy pieces (the 2 round ones are oil on canvas while the framed one is glitter pen on slightly glossy paper):

In the coming months, I’ll be making more Arabic calligraphy pieces. They’ll be up for sale and part of the proceeds will be given to charity. Hope you’ll support me in this good cause. Do check back for updates! Thank you for reading till the end. See you next time!

Animal Alphabets

On 3 Sep 2020, I started illustrating a letter a week following the prompts by AnimalAlphab on IG. It was an interesting journey illustrating the various characters. Some were more difficult than others (like Xeneas… those horns!). Some brought back childhood memories. Most were a joy to draw. So here are the 26 illustrations in one post for your viewing pleasure.

Which is your favourite? Let me know in the comments!

A week into 2021

Hie there! Hope the new year has been goo to you. Thank you for sticking around.

I realised that I’ve throughly neglected this site for 6 whole months!!! I am very much active on Instagram so do consider following me there. I have recently opened a Ko-fi account too. So if you like my work, do consider buying me a ko-fi for as low as USD3. It’s not a subscription yet coz I don’t have the money for it. But hopefully I’ll get paid for a couple of commissions soon and then I’ll upgrade to Ko-fi Gold and allow for exclusive downloads and such. *fingers crossed*

Anyway, just to start the new year, here’s an illustration I did on the eve of 2021:

Hoping that this year will be better than 2020 and that Covid-19 will be eradicated soon. Take care, everyone~

The above character goes by the name Muslimah / Imah. This is actually a fan art. OC by Uni.K. They were having a fan art contest (which I didn’t win). Oh! This reminds me that I did another DTIYS fan art and received special mention:

Say “Hello” to Tori and Samuel. OCs by bobblejot

This year, I’ll be dabbling in oil painting. A friend bought me some supplies as my birthday gift. So wish me luck!

Joyous July

July went by even faster than any other months. The GE came and went. My mask design didn’t make it to the top 55 that was open for public voting. I finally spent more time outdoors. The family went to Sungei Buloh Wildlife Reserve to celebrate my nephew’s birthday. Other than that, it was pretty much a stay at home month. Here are the illustrations done this month (and I actually forgot to take photos of some doodles I drew as birthday presents. 😅):

Happy 4th of July to my friends in America!
These are my submission for Pameran Poskad 2020 (in December 2020). I drew them during the CB period but finally finished them. Will be sending them to the organizers soon. Do follow me on my Instagram (@bisukiut) for updates.

If you remember, in April I mentioned that I printed some stickers but didn’t show you the actual stickers. Here they are:

A friend thought these were erasers! She also asked if I could turn them into magnets. I’m definitely looking into the magnet option. DM me on Instagram to purchase these stickers.

That’s it for this month. Look forward to more amazing stuffs in August. 😁 Thanks for reading till the end!